News and Resources

Why You Shouldn’t Cash Out Your Pension

You are a hard worker. Every day you went into the office with the goal to give your best effort, and it paid off. Retirement is upon you, sitting on your shoulder as you write your final email to your colleagues. Welcome to the next phase in your life. One of the last responsibilities you…
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Social Security Benefits 101: Spousal Edition

Throughout your working life, you have contributed to Social Security. Now that you have made it to retirement, it is time to begin reaping the rewards of your work. But Social Security is a complicated system. Riddled with codes, mandates, laws, and taxes it can be difficult to navigate the benefits you are able to…
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How Much Money Do You Need to Retire?

How Much Money Do You Need to Retire?

  retirement, savings
Curating the best savings strategies for retirement is on the mind of every financial planner, and the people they consult. Regardless of specialty, almost every financial planner hears one common question: how much money do I need to retire? While it is impossible to nail down a concrete number due to each person’s unique financial…
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Claudius the Antagonist

To Work or Not To Work in Retirement, That is The Question

It can be difficult leaving the pace of full time work for retirement.  For many retirees, a job provides additional income, stability, and the chance for a new routine.  However, combining income from social security, 401K plans, pension plans, interest, dividends and capital gains, with part-time earned income can create a confusing tax situation. There…
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Retiring Early? Here Are Your Healthcare Options

Retiring Early? Here Are Your Healthcare Options

  health care, health insurance
More and more Americans are looking to retire early. In most cases, they’re not necessarily retiring from work altogether, but are ready to embark on a new journey. This might mean starting a business, pursuing a hobby they’re passionate about, spending more time with family, or travelling full time. The options are truly endless, but…
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Creating a Retirement Budget

Creating a Retirement Budget

  budget, retirement
It’s rare to find someone who enjoys putting together a budget. For most people, it’s at the very least a pain, and at the most it’s a frustrating and somewhat emotional or embarrassing experience. Others feel overwhelmed because they’ve struggled to stick to a budget in the past. Planning a budget for retirement has additional…
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Spring 2021: A Course on Advanced Retirement Issues

Fall 2018: A Course on Retirement Wealth Management

  Courses, News
Please consider attending our upcoming course on Retirement Wealth Management in Greenville, SC at Furman University. Course Description: In this course, we will discuss dozens of retirement wealth management ideas. Investment ideas include ways to build low-cost, diversified portfolios that can produce retirement income and growth. Tax ideas include ways to reduce taxes on distributions…
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Setting New Goals as a Retiree

Setting New Goals as a Retiree

Entering retirement can be a daunting time. If you’re like the majority of Americans, you’ve spent your entire life up until this point working toward a set of goals that revolved around your career. You’ve worked for promotions, bonuses, and pay increases. You’ve scheduled your family time around your work calendar, and your days have…
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